“Hoppy Days” Are Here Again
WOONSOCKET, R.I.: Woonsocket Mayor Lisa Baldelli-Hunt announced that the City’s annual Easter Egg Hunt event will be returning this year as a festive, interactive, COVID-19 vigilant, drive-thru eggs-travaganza that promises to be fun for all. The 2021 Easter Egg event is scheduled for Saturday, March 27th at the Rivers Edge Recreational Complex from 11 am to 1 pm. If it should rain, the rain date is Saturday, April 3rd.
Mayor Lisa Baldelli-Hunt stated, “Our Easter Egg Hunt this year will allow families to get out of the house and have fun on our specially decorated “Bunny Trail” drive-thru route while still maintaining safe COVID-19 protocols from the comfort of their cars .” The Mayor added, “This will be a community event that will put smiles on the faces of our children, many of whom have been couped up indoors because of the virus.” The Mayor then revealed “I just found out that the Easter Bunny is planning on making a special visit to Woonsocket to be at our Easter Egg Hunt.”
The Mayor lauded the efforts of Elizabeth Kerrigan of the City Parks Department who is organizing the 2021 Easter Egg Hunt event which will include candy filled gift packs, special displays, music, and prizes.
The Easter Egg Hunt for 2021 will respect state COVID-19 protocols and take place as a drive-thru along a marked “Bunny Trail” route at Rivers Edge where children will first receive Easter Egg bags filled with candy and other surprises, and then will roll along the route in the safety of their vehicles to experience the festive decorations, displays and sounds of the holiday season. Somewhere along the route children will be greeted by the event’s guest star – the Easter Bunny!!!
Of the 500 Easter bags that are given to children, 30 of them will contain a special golden or wooden egg. At the end of the route, those with the special golden or wooden egg can turn them in to redeem a special prize.
All children who attend the event will also receive a raffle ticket that enters them into a special drawing later that day for a bicycle or scooter which will be delivered to the lucky winner just in time for spring riding.
Winning numbers will be posted on the Parks and Recs Facebook page as well as on radio station WOON’s website.